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WORKOUT #3 - Walking Nowhere 

3 Rounds For Time  

20 Alternating Lunges (2x50 / 2x35)

10 Alternating Ground To Overhead (1x50 / 1x35)

10 Seated Rifle Shots


Time Cap: 12 Minutes 

Please read carefully. It is your responsibility to complete, film, and submit the workout correctly. If the workout is not completed correctly or the video is not filmed correctly then your video will be rejected and your score will be able to be validated.

Workout Equipment



Workout Equipment 


Equipment needed:

  1. Printed targets (3) - Walking Nowhere

  2. Rifle 223/556 - Any optic 

  3. 3 Rifle magazines of 10 rounds of ammunition. (30 Rounds)

  4. Eye protection 

  5. Ear protection

  6. Timer

  7. Measuring Tape

  8. Camera

  9. Camera stand (optional)



Walking Nowhere - workout Details: 


20 Alternating DB Lunges (2x50 / 2x35):

10 Alternating DB Ground To Overhead (1x50 / 1x35) 

10 Sitting Rifle Shots at Target 1

20 Alternating DB Lunges 

10 Alternating DB Ground To Overhead 

10 Sitting Rifle Shots at Target 2

20 Alternating DB Lunges 

10 Alternating DB Ground To Overhead 

10 Sitting Rifle Shots at Target 3


Time Cap: 12 mins



During set up make sure all targets are placed in a safe direction and proper safety backing is ensured. WODdoc Tactical assumes no risk and it is the applicant's sole responsibility to ensure safety. 


Target Setup:

  1. Print Workout 3 “Walking Nowhere” targets (3 total) on full sheets of 8x11 printer paper. Hang them at approximate shoulder height in order from left to right 1 - 2 - 3.  

  2. Measure 50 yards (150 feet) from the front of the target and mark firing line. 

  3. A table/bench/chair can be used and set at the firing line to rest your rifle on but is not required.  


Workout Instructions:

  1. Place EMPTY rifle on the table facing down range at the firing line. 

  2. Place 3 loaded rifle magazines next to the firearm. 

  3. Place a pair of dumbells (2x50 men / 2x35 women) behind the table where your firearm is resting. 

  4. No belt, holster, or additional equipment is required to be on-person. 

  5. To begin the workout athletes will start standing behind the table, facing down range with both hands touching the table   

  6. At the call of go, athletes will step back, grab dumbbells and turn perpendicular to the table. Once perpendicular to the table athletes can compete their first set of 20 alternating DB lungers. Athletes must stand perpendicular to the table while doing all fitness work.  

  7. Following initial 20 alternating DB lunges the athlete will drop one dumbbell and perform 10 alternating DB ground to overhead. 

  8. Following initial 10 alternating DB ground to overhead athlete will grab their rifle off the table/bench/chair, load and fire 10 rifle shots at the circle labeled 1 on the far left target. At the completion of 10 fired shots the athlete must clear the rifle before placing it back on the table. 

(TO CLEAR RIFLE) - while pointing down range, drop magazine, release bolt forward, and pull trigger)

  1. Once the rifle is cleared the athlete can place the rifle on the table and transition into their second round of the work. 

  2. The athlete can then step back, grab dumbbells and begin a second round of alternating dumbbell lunges.  

  3. Upon completion of 20 alternating dumbbell lunges, the athlete will complete 10 alternating dumbbell ground to overhead and then the same firing sequence as stated above into the circle labeled 2.  

  4. The athlete will repeat this cycle stated above for a third time. In their third round they will shoot at the circle labeled 3. 

  5. Shooting position is Sitting. Sitting is defined as butt in contact with the ground.  No part of the athlete's body from their beltline up can be in contact with the ground. Athletes can not be touching the table/bench/chair to support the rifle. 

  6. Time will stop when the athlete CLEARS their rifle and places it on the table/bench/chair following their final firing sequence RAISES BOTH HANDS and yells clear! TIME STOPS AT CLEAR!


Alternating Lunge Standard:

Athlete begins by standing with their feet together. Dumbbells must be held farmers carry style (one in each hand like buckets of water). Athlete steps forward and descends in lunge until their back knee touches the ground. Athlete then rises and returns front leg to the starting position with feet together. Once feet are together the next rep can begin by stepping out and repeating the cycle with the alternate leg. Each step is counted as a rep. Example left lunge then right lunge = 2 reps. 


Ground to Overhead Standard:

Athlete begins by lifting weight off the ground with a single hand. Athlete must reach the top position. Top position is defined as weight directly overhead, elbow locked out, hips fully extended, knee fully extended. Athlete can reach the top position by either snatching the dumbbell or breaking the movement into phases of clean and jerk. Once reaching the top position the athlete must return the dumbbell to the ground before switching hands. With the dumbbell lying on the ground the athlete will grab it with their alternate hand and repeat the cycle. 



  1. (Total time to complete the workout in seconds) + (Lunge penalty time) + (Shooting penalty time) = Net Score

  2. Shooting Penalty:  +10 seconds for every missed shot or shot not taken 

  3. Lunge Penalty/G2OH Penalty: +4 seconds for any lunge not completed

[Example: 180 secs to complete workout + 3 lunges not completed (12 secs) + 6 rifle misses (60secs) + 3 pistol misses (30secs) = 180 +12 + 60 + 30 = 282 secs net time]

  1. Bullet hole marks inside target outline as well as any bullet hole marks (greaseline) that touches the target outline in any way are counted. All other shots are misses. 

  2. If the time cap is reached, all work must stop. The workout is over.

Filming Instructions:

  1. Video must be continuous from start to finish of the workout including scoring.

  2. To begin the video athletes must state full name and name of work completing (“Hi,

    this is WODdoc and I am completing the Workout 2 - Thrust’n Shoot.”)

  3. Athletes must show the target setup and tape measure validating the 60 foot mark (20yrds) to the firing line.

  4. During the workout the camera must be positioned to capture the entire workout including the athlete, and the target. It is suggested to be quartered behind the workout space.

  5. Upon completion of the workout the athlete must grab the camera and walk up to the targets and count hits. Target must be clearly visible to be counted. A close up of each target is suggested.

  6. To close out the video the athlete will state TIME and Target Score.

  7. Athletes will then submit their video for review.

  8. Submit at → “Submissions” on menu bar.


Instruction for video submission:
1.  Upload video to your personal youtube channel and supply the video link via

“submission” page on


Once complete you will receive an email confirming your video submission. Validated video submissions with appropriate net score will be posted on the leaderboard.

Best of LUCK! WODdoc


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